Pop Montreal Interview Series: PETRA GLYNT

LB Culture

What inspired your artist name?

The name is a riff on the word “Petroglyph” - images carved into rock depicting cultural norms and activities happening at the time they’re made, which I feel is essentially a big part of the artist’s purpose in life. I also wanted it to sound like a plausible name for a person.

Where do you seek inspiration for your music?

It’s kind of a tie between compulsion and inspiration. Writing music helps me process my thoughts and feelings about the world and take an active stance around topics like climate change, feminism, wealth inequity, freedom of expression, etc.

What do you like most about POP Montreal?

As a musician, during POP I get to run around and experience as many shows as possible, which is a treat. You can really get a good summary of who’s making what in the city, but there’s like a zillion bands so it can also be overwhelming if that’s what you’re trying to get out of it.

What advice would you give aspiring artists just beginning to put themselves out there?

Dive into your community. Go to shows, book your own shows, get your friends bands to play and their friends bands to play, but then look outside of your comfort zone and mash together neighbouring scenes and be inclusive with the bills you present.

What’s next for you? Anything upcoming we should be on the lookout for?

I’m releasing my debut record This Trip October 27th on Vibe Over Method with lots of art and video around that. I’ll be announcing a DIY tour for the record soon, plus some other exciting shows and my sophomore record is on the horizon. Wink, wink. I post all new music, art, and videos HERE.

Photo credit: Pascha Marrow